Special rules for applicants with an immigrant background


What does special rules for applicants with an immigrant background mean? 


The government aims to increase the proportion of public sector employees with an immigrant background. Applicants with such backgrounds are encouraged to apply for government jobs. 

According to The Action Plan Against Racism and Discrimination all state agencies are required to convene at least one person with an immigrant background to the interview, provided that the applicant is qualified for the position. Candidates referred to as immigrants in this context are immigrants from:

  • Europe outside EU/EFTA
  • Asia (included Turkey)
  • Africa
  • South- and Central-Amerika
  • Oseania except for Australia and New Zealand
  • or where both parents have immigrated from one of the menitioned countries 

If you wish to request special treatment of your application on these terms, please select this in the checkbox before submitting the application. This is optional.

Note: A request for such treatment will only apply to the position you are applying for, and not to your CV. The request cannot be seen by anyone other than executive officers for the position you have applied for. If you are applying for other vacant positions, you must make a new request for special treatment for each application.