Received emails or SMS from "Jobbnorge"?


I am unsure of a message or SMS received from "Jobbnorge"?


Electronic communication is a natural part of everyday life for most of us.

Unfortunately, e-mail and SMS can easily be falsified to appear to be something other than what they are, something scammers and criminals exploit on a daily basis.

The e-mail you received from «» does not necessarily have to be sent from us. The same is true when it comes to messages you receive from banks or other services you use.

Below we give you a small introduction to what you should be aware of , and what you must be wary of as a user of


Pay attention to 3 basic principles:

  • Jobbnorge will never ask you to provide your BankID/Bank details via a link in an email or SMS

  • Everything you do as a jobseeker or employer will take place in your password-protected area with a domain ending in 

  • Jobbnorge does not send out SMS from the system today 


Example of real communication from Jobbnorge

This is what an e-mail notification from Jobbnorge will look like for you who are a jobseeker


Note the following in this example:

  • Notification e-mails from jobbnorge are always sent from

  • Information obtained from a message from the employer is never in the e-mail but must be read securely in your area on

  • When you keep pointing to the link to read the message, it always goes directly to our domain which ends at We never use url shorteners such as links.

  • It has the text "NB: Replies to this email will not be handled"

Example of fake e-mails / SMS

Here is an example of a fake e-mail notification apparently sent from Jobbnorge


Note the following in this example:

  • It was not sent from Even if it has in the address itself, the domain does not end on

  • The link in this email is intentionally hidden through a so-called URL shortening service. Emails from Jobbnorge will always go straight to domains that end in " ".

  • The scammer has included a fake message in the email. These are never included in the e-mail but must be read securely in your area on

  • The scammer has changed the wording at the end of the email to "NB: Replies to this email will be handled" with the hope of getting a direct response.

Tip: Some scammers use URL shortening that allows them to hide what the links actually contain in a short variant that looks safe. Example: The link can be shortened to with the service . This is often seen in SMS.

Source: Is the link safe? -


Here is an example of a fake SMS apparently sent from Jobbnorge


Note the following in this example:

  • Even though the sender is written as "Jobbnorge", this is a common and simple technique that scammers use called SMS spoofing or Smishing . Please note that you can not trust that this is a legitimate sender. It is also difficult to control the SMS sender on smartphones, so here it is important to be 100% sure that the content is genuine before clicking.

  • This notification has been sent by SMS from Jobbnorge. Remember that Jobbnorge does not send out SMS

  • The domain in the link does not end on, even though it may look like this at first glance

Read more about SMS scams: SMiShing - SMS scams -


False websites

When users click on links used in the fake e-mails / SMSs , it is common for the scammers to have created fake versions of the websites of Jobbnorge


Example of a fake Jobseeker page

Note in this example:

  • The scammers ask you to log in with BankID . This is fake and will cause scammers to gain access to your bankdetails.

  • The scammers also have a chat feature here which through social manipulation will influence you to trust the websites.

  • The domain does not end on In this case, the domain is


Example of a fake login page for employers


Note the following in this example:

  • The domain does not end on In this case, the domain is

  • When you as a user have entered your username / password here, the scammer receives a notification and is left with full control of your account


What do I do if I have been scammed?   

It is very understandable that one can be fooled by these phishing campaigns. They are professionally exercised and its easy to avoid the small danger signals that are there.

If you already have provided the bank information, we recommend that you contact the bank as soon as possible so that they can block your accounts. Then we would recommend reporting the case to your local police station.

If you have unintentionally given your username and password to Jobbnorge, it is important that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can block your account.

NOTE: If the latter is a username / password that you also know you have used on other websites or services, we will also recommend that you change the password on these services. As a rule of thumb, we recommend activating 2-step verification where possible, especially for critical services such as email.


We wish you a safe online experience - and hereby encourage you to exercise caution.


Source: Nettvettreglene -