Add custom scripts to the career page via Onecruiter

About the feature 
This feature allows you as an administrator or user with extended privileges add external scripts that are activated for visitors who have accepted this type of cookies. The scripts can range from Google Tag Manager tags to custom scripts that run on specific pages (such as the thank you page a candidate reaches after submitting their application). 

How to add a script 

  1. Go to Settings – Career sites and click on the career page where you want to add the script. 

    A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

  2. Click on Scripts and then on New script.

  3. Fill in the information displayed in the window: 

  • Name: An internal name visible only to you. 

  • Description: An internal description of the script. 

  • Script: Insert the script here. Note that the script field requires the start <script> and end </script> tags to be included for the script to be saved and activated. 

  • Noscript: Some scripts have a 'noscript' tag that provides basic functionality when the script is not running. Use this field only if a 'noscript' tag exists; otherwise, it can be omitted. 

  • Pages: Link the scripts to all or specific pages. For example, you can link the script to the thank you page so that it only runs there and is activated when a candidate completes their application. 

    If the career page is built with Onecruiter's API, the script can only be added to the "job-specific page"/ad page. If the career page is embedded as an iframe (where the ads are displayed directly on your website), the script can also be added to more pages such as the homepage, the "job-specific page"/ad page, the spontaneous application page, and the thank you page.

  • Cookies: Link a cookie to the script so that it only runs when a visitor accepts the specific cookie. All cookie fields below will be added to the cookie banner on your career page, provided you are using an external career page and not one integrated into your own website. 

  • Cookie Name: Enter the name of the cookie that will be displayed to the visitor. 

  • Cookie Description: Provide a description of what the script does and its purpose. This information will be visible in the cookie banner on the career page. 

  • Cookie Provider: Specify the provider that will collect data via the script, such as Google. 

  • Cookie Duration: Specify how long the cookie will be stored in the visitor’s browser.

4. Choose whether the script should be activated immediately and click on Add script.

When does data collection begin?
When the script is activated and functioning, data collection begins for the visitors who have accepted the script. Please note that no data can be collected retroactively. Data collection starts only after the script is implemented.