Onecruiter training for recruiters

Updates since the film was made:
  • Workbuster has changed its name to Onecruiter.
  • We have updated the word Job ad in Onceruiter, and we now call it Recruitment. Previously, job ad referred to the various processes you created in Onecruiter. Now, these will be called Recruitments. The term Job ad will remain in the system in some places but only when referring to the actual job ad.
  • The shared image on social media is not automatically changed when you change the job ad image. However, it can be altered to a separate image by navigating to Shared image on social media > Change social share image.
  • The publish view has been updated. You will now see all channels divided by category, but you can only choose those that are active (set by administrators internally in your account).
  • End job ad: The process is new. Click on End recruitment in the menu bar at the top of the job ad and follow the steps to end the recruitment.
  • Support has a new email address, contact us at: