What are the image dimensions for layout of job ad images and sharing images?

Below are our recommendations regarding aspect ratio for job ad images and sharing images.

Measurements: 16:9 (preferably not less than 1024 x 576px)
Size: Up to 2MB
Resolution: At least 72ppi
File type: JPG or PNG

Important considerations when selecting images for your ads:

Choose an image in landscape orientation
Since the image will be displayed in landscape format on your career page, it is important to choose an image in landscape orientation (16:9). If you choose a portrait image, only a smaller part of the center of the image will be visible.

Avoid images with faces and important elements at the edges
Keep in mind that the image will be cropped at the edges to fit different screen sizes. Therefore, try to use images where the focus is in the center of the image. Avoid, for example, images with faces at the edges because they will be automatically cropped in height and width to fit various screen sizes.

Use high-resolution images of at least 1024 x 576px
Always try to use high-resolution images, preferably with a minimum pixel size of 1024 x 576px. If you upload a small image, it will be automatically enlarged to cover the entire width of your career page, and the image may appear pixelated.