How do I send a no thanks email to candidates without ending a recruitment?

You can reject candidates by email by:
  1. Go to the recruitment for which you want to send rejections. 
  2. Mark the candidates/applications in the application list that you want to reject.
  3. In the blue menu that appears at the bottom, click on No thanks email.
  4. Choose Reject by email (if it is not possible, it could be because the candidate is in a status that does not allow you to send a rejection by email - you can change the status or contact an administrator internally in your account).
  5. Now you will see what the message that will be sent out will look like. If you have chosen to send a rejection email to several candidates, they will not be able to see each other's email addresses, it will be sent out as an individual email to each candidate. If you want to edit in the email, click on Edit at the top left. When you are done with your changes, click on Preview. If you are done, click on Send. When the email is sent, the candidate/s will automatically change status to Rejected by email.