How do I start a recruitment?

You can start a new recruitment by either going to Dashboard or selecting Recruitments in the left menu and clicking on New recruitment in the top right corner.

1. Fill in the details. Choosing a location and a department are essential so that the job ad will be accurately targeted when you publish it.
2. Fill in the job description. If you have ad templates in your account, they will appear as selectable, and you can add the template directly. You can also choose whether to include a short summary of the ad text for social media sharing, internal comments, and select a job ad image and a shared image for social media.
3. Go through the menu on the left:
  • Skills: Under Skills, add the factors you want to assess the candidate by, which contribute to the requirement profile.
  • Hiring team: Under Hiring team, share access to the ad by adding one or more users to the job ad.
  • Application form: Under Application form, decide how the application form should appear.
  • Settings: Under Settings, choose which email templates should be sent upon application and when you send a rejection email. You can also choose to activate Smart Reject for this job ad and select the Smart Reject policy you want to use.
Don't forget to Save.